Maddy Dave
Owners of high cholesterol
Featuring: Maddy, Richy, Rin and Hannah (Maddy's female alter-ego)
Welcome to the most unfunny thing in existence!
How fat and unsightly are we? That's right, the correct answer is: More so than you are. RIP MaddyDave's War on Obesity and Depression. Call us fat, we don't give a shit anymore. Taking care of ourselves is too much fucking work.
Enjoy one of these written pieces of liquid godlikeness. If offended, read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page. You know, because people give a shit about some unknown website with poorly-conveyed faux-anger about pop culture. Oh, and because we use lots of naughty
Rule 1: We are NEVER original.
Rule 2: We are ALWAYS right (Refer to rule 1).
(Update 31/08/09: Secret projects are underway, have patience for updates. Our inbox is overflowing with all of your non-existent emails demanding updates.)
I received hatemail, so that means people read my site!
(02/08/09 By: Maddy)
A book that was written for teenage girls is boring and shitty
(24/07/09 By: Maddy)
Everyone else is stupid and I'm not
(06/07/09 By: Richy)
Generic rant about Macs
(21/06/09 By: Maddy Hannah)
I hate this guy nobody else knows
(16/05/09 By: Maddy)
Fuck you
(09/05/09 By: Richy)
Vegetarians are gay
(02/05/09 By: Maddy)
I hate fat people.
(13/04/09 By: Rin)
Enjoy your stay, we've robbed you of your soul.
By entering this website you have agreed to not email any of us about anything, especially about how horny we make you (girls dig fat scraggly dudes). By entering this site, you also surrender to us your soul, your dignity, and your self-respect. That's right, you've just become a rape victim.
This next part is the serious disclaimer, because a bunch of dirty words and pictures are super offensive, and we might get sued for them.
By entering this site, you waive the right to sue, you give us permission to say mean things about you and make naughty pictures in Photoshop and say they're you, you give us permission to publish your email address so Richy can send you hatemail from a bunch of alternate email addresses pretending to be fans of this website. We'll probably run your email address and its associated name through Google too, so we can drop hints about other sites you've been to in an attempt to psych you out. The number of hits we get is innumerable, so it's completely necessary for us to put up this disclaimer to prevent any lawsuits. Also, disclaimers make us look badass, even if none of our content comes even close to being illegal. Text on the bottom of a website is legally binding in a court of law and completely indemnifies us from having the police tell our parents exactly what we've been doing all those hours on the computer in our dark bedrooms.
Email us, so Richy doesn't have to keep writing fake hatemails for Maddy